in my understanding, if the English is your first official language, you will award 16 points, otherwise you maxium can be awarded up to 8 points whatever you got.
in my understanding, if the English is your first official language, you will award 16 points, otherwise you maxium can be awarded up to 8 points whatever you got.
They will grade you for points on both French and English. Whichever is your better language becomes your "first official language" and the other one is your "second". You can get up to 16 points for the first one and up to 8 for the 2nd one.
They will grade you for points on both French and English. Whichever is your better language becomes your "first official language" and the other one is your "second". You can get up to 16 points for the first one and up to 8 for the 2nd one.