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Please help.


Sep 22, 2009
This Canadian immigration thing is soooo much more complex than I originally thought and I need to know the best and the fastest way to legally get to Canada(BC to be exact)is.I am having so much trouble figuring out what to do.I would like to do the skilled worker thing,but I only want to go to a two year college,nothing more,so my options are limited.....I don't even know which two year diploma occupation is on the list..and would I have to go to school in Canada to do that?I found a college in Vancouver that has the thing I want to study,but the application is confusing and I bet it would cost a lot since I am from the U.S. and not Canada.I speak English(first language),Polish,and I could get around Germany if I had to.It is so confusing because they have a certain list of occupations that you can have and the list changes and I cannot afford to waste time and money going to school for something that is going to get me no where in Canada.Does anyone even know how long it takes for the Skilled Worker visa to be accpeted or denied? Then I heard about this thing where if someone offers you a job in Canada you can apply for something(don't know what it is called)and you can get to Canada that way,how do you get offered a job if you don't even know anyone in Canada?What job should I study here(U.S.) to get the skilled worker visa?..or any visa...I just need help figuring out what to do to get to Canada.I have been stressing over this for a looong time,please help.
Thank you.