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Please help with my case


Mar 12, 2010
Hi my name is gustavo, i'm colombian so is my wife and my 15 year old son but i have an american son he's 10. I applied for residency in Ontario hoping to maintain a happy and balanced life. Here's my story and please if you have any one that can help me please let me know. I lived in colombia for atleast 18 years and went to the u.s.a and left my wife pregnant in colombia, year later my son was born and then my wife left the country and came to the usa, she left my son with her mum. We came to the states with fake visa (our pictures, different names) I my self got a deportation notice and i quickly moved appartments and changed my name, i lived with my wife for about 5 years until we had our second son. 2 years later after my younger son was born i sent for my older son that was still in colombia to come and live with us, he also came with a fake visa, again we lived together for 5 more years and we decided to come to canada despite the fact that the states was getting more dangerous immigration wise and that canada was accepting immigrants, we lived here for one year until we had our hearing on june 2009 we didn't get any answer but about 15 days after we got it and it was denied. We appealed for hearing and it got denied again now we had the option for Pre removal risk assessment by december 2009, so we applied and in feb 24 2010 we got a mail saying that decision was taken and we had an appointment for the answer march 11 2010, so yesterday we went and got denied again and we thought about appealing for it but some one said it was a waste because it didn't assure anything they said it was kind of like buying time, so yesterday i asked if i can stay in canada until my children finish school and our agent said yes but we got to have the passes ready by june 20 2010 is there any other options out there? or any one that can help us with our case? PLEASE HELP

Additional information: ME and my wife both work, i work in construction and my wife works for a temporary company, i make about 800$ a week and my wife makes about $400/w we own a house, own 2 cars, we both do very well on our jobs and my kids love the school they go to.

Again if any one can help us please tell me.

Thanks in advance