hello all
i am new in this forum and i find this forum really helpfull...i have also applied under noc 1123....my app was recieved on 20th june and my cc got charged on 13th august....got my PER on 22nd august....received AOR on 17th november...now i am waiting for my MR request...I am from india and my VO is NEW DELHI...i would like to know about verification procedure...has anybody got a call from VO or physical visit or any sort of verification/background check as such Huh what do they ask for at the time of verification??? if like my BOSS or HR cudnt answer the call then what Huh also had a query regarding MR....actually i was diagnosed wit TB at thw age of 3yrs n with proper treatment of a year it was cured and healed completely...still for my personal satisfaction i went for a private chest x-ray....d doc said it show a v small minor scar and the reports shows absolutely normal in all the field...its healed totally....the doc said cic mite and mite not ask for further sputum test which would take about 2-3 months time to get the report...if this is the case my case will be kept on pending....just for the sake of saving time i asked the doc to go ahead with sputum test also but he said it would be a private report and cic will not accept it....now i need sum suggestion from my seniors as to should i declare my latent TB at the time of MR or just keep my mouth shut Huh looking forward for replies please do anwswer my queries in this regard
i am new in this forum and i find this forum really helpfull...i have also applied under noc 1123....my app was recieved on 20th june and my cc got charged on 13th august....got my PER on 22nd august....received AOR on 17th november...now i am waiting for my MR request...I am from india and my VO is NEW DELHI...i would like to know about verification procedure...has anybody got a call from VO or physical visit or any sort of verification/background check as such Huh what do they ask for at the time of verification??? if like my BOSS or HR cudnt answer the call then what Huh also had a query regarding MR....actually i was diagnosed wit TB at thw age of 3yrs n with proper treatment of a year it was cured and healed completely...still for my personal satisfaction i went for a private chest x-ray....d doc said it show a v small minor scar and the reports shows absolutely normal in all the field...its healed totally....the doc said cic mite and mite not ask for further sputum test which would take about 2-3 months time to get the report...if this is the case my case will be kept on pending....just for the sake of saving time i asked the doc to go ahead with sputum test also but he said it would be a private report and cic will not accept it....now i need sum suggestion from my seniors as to should i declare my latent TB at the time of MR or just keep my mouth shut Huh looking forward for replies please do anwswer my queries in this regard