Hello ppl ,and seniors,
At the time of profile creation , i have answered the ECA part of question as "No ECA done". Now after recieving the ITA , I decided to apply for ECA and applied to WES for all my degrees. While i am filling the Permanent residency application, in study and languages section, its asking me the same details as in Profile, Now should i answer to ECA as "Yes" or no? will it be a problem if i answered as No in profile creation and now Yes in the final application submission? please note that, am not worried about CRS points because i have an LMO !
Also, I have applied for Police clearance for my home country, still waiting for the document. Can i still submit my application without the police clearance , by explaining the situation and uploading the receipt that i have applied?
Note: Applying under FSW
Please somebody help me with this !! May god bless u and ur family....!!
thank u.
At the time of profile creation , i have answered the ECA part of question as "No ECA done". Now after recieving the ITA , I decided to apply for ECA and applied to WES for all my degrees. While i am filling the Permanent residency application, in study and languages section, its asking me the same details as in Profile, Now should i answer to ECA as "Yes" or no? will it be a problem if i answered as No in profile creation and now Yes in the final application submission? please note that, am not worried about CRS points because i have an LMO !
Also, I have applied for Police clearance for my home country, still waiting for the document. Can i still submit my application without the police clearance , by explaining the situation and uploading the receipt that i have applied?
Note: Applying under FSW
Please somebody help me with this !! May god bless u and ur family....!!
thank u.