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Please help. I've lost my status. I'm so confused


Mar 17, 2017
hi guys. My study permit was declined this morning. And I want to go ahead to apply for a restoration. However, I am on academic probation in my school and it is too late to appeal as the appeal deadline was today. I've set up an appointment already to meet with a counsellor and admissions officer in a new school for tomororw morningwhere I will apply and hopefully get accepted. This is bcause as you all know I require a letter from my university/college stating that I am enrolled and all that but I can't get that anymore from my current school since I'm technically no longer a student as of today. So first I'm worried that I won't get into the school because I don't have a valid permit. Does anyone have any experience with that? I'm hoping to gain admission and then use that admission when applying for a new study permit(or rather, restoration). Obviously other factors will influence such as my previous grades/transcript and all that. But assuming the school is ready to accept me despite my grades, would me not having a valid study permit affect it? I don't think it should seeing as I still would need to apply for a new permit to be in the school anyway. I know I would need a valid permit to ENROLL and take courses. But to gain admission it shouldn't matter? I'm not sure it does but My Aunty thinks it does.