I have a bachelor's and a master's degree for which I am getting the ECA done and entering in the education section in the profile. should I enter details on my primary and secondary education as well just for information purposes though no points are claimed.
I am the primary applicant and when filling in my wife's education details, I filled in her secondary education details thoigh I have not done an ECA for her as it would give me only 2 points.
Should I enter her primary education details too just for the informafion purpose though I don't claim any points.
Please help.
I have a bachelor's and a master's degree for which I am getting the ECA done and entering in the education section in the profile. should I enter details on my primary and secondary education as well just for information purposes though no points are claimed.
I am the primary applicant and when filling in my wife's education details, I filled in her secondary education details thoigh I have not done an ECA for her as it would give me only 2 points.
Should I enter her primary education details too just for the informafion purpose though I don't claim any points.
Please help.