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Please help ++++++++ Change in my marital status +++++++

David 555

Aug 2, 2010
Hi everybody,

In 2006 I applied for Federal Skilled Worker and sent my application to Damascus. Recently they have transferred my file to the Warsaw office. But I have not received any letter or anything so far. I have a couple of question and will appreciate if somebody can help me.

In 2006 when I applied I had 69 points which was enough to be qualified (minimum was 67 points). At the time I was married and my spouse had a university degree so I got 4 points for her education. However, last year we separated. Therefore, I will not receive the 4 points for my spouse education anymore. This means now without the 4 points I will have only 65 points which is under the minimum requirement (67 points).

Now my questions:

Question 1) Is there any way I can get a few more points from other sections to cover the 4 missing points for my spouse education? For example by improving my language skills from moderate which has 8 point to High and get 12 points? Do you think the extra points from Language Proficiency can cover my 4 missing point for my spouse education?

Question 2) I have not informed them of the change in my marital status. I thought maybe it was better to inform them when they would ask me for an update.... Any ideas on this? Do you think that is OK with them?

I hope somebody knows the answers to my questions. I thank you very much for your time and consideration.

All the best



VIP Member
Mar 22, 2010
Hi David. I am no expert, but I don't think you would have any trouble increasing your IELTS score from the way you have written this post! In order to reach 67 you only have to increase by 2 points, though everyone I've heard says set your sights and aim high. Did you already have the full points for 4 years of work experience, or has that also increased? Good Luck.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
You don't have to tell them that you separated until they ask for your full documents and at that time, you can have a new IELTS and perhaps more work experience to cover the points you got because of your wife.

David 555

Aug 2, 2010
Pippin said:
Hi David. I am no expert, but I don't think you would have any trouble increasing your IELTS score from the way you have written this post! In order to reach 67 you only have to increase by 2 points, though everyone I've heard says set your sights and aim high. Did you already have the full points for 4 years of work experience, or has that also increased? Good Luck.
Hi Pippin,

Thank you for your opinions and advice. I appreciate it. Yes already I have the full points for more than 4 years of work experience. The only areas I can get more points are Language Skills and also Having a Job Offer. I don't know how difficult would be to get a job offer to have a few more points....

Again thank you for your help


David 555

Aug 2, 2010
Leon said:
You don't have to tell them that you separated until they ask for your full documents and at that time, you can have a new IELTS and perhaps more work experience to cover the points you got because of your wife.
Hi Leon,

Thank you for your opinions and advice. I appreciate it. I got the full points for work experience. (more than 4 years). I guess I need to increase my points by getting better marks from IELTS or finding somebody who can help me with a job offer.

Thank you very much for your help



Hero Member
Nov 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Hi David 555,

You can increase your points by learning French Language. This will also help you get more points.