My wife is doing post baccalaureate diploma in Business Management from Cape Breton University, NS.
The issue that we observed is with the study permit which has the below clauses :
-This permit doesn't authorize the holder to engage in off-campus employment in canada.
Remarks :
May accept employment only on campus if meeting eligibility criteria per paragraph R186(F)
The above clause is not there in any of her colleagues study permit except for one. Is there a way to get it fixed? If yes, then please share.
My wife is doing post baccalaureate diploma in Business Management from Cape Breton University, NS.
The issue that we observed is with the study permit which has the below clauses :
-This permit doesn't authorize the holder to engage in off-campus employment in canada.
Remarks :
May accept employment only on campus if meeting eligibility criteria per paragraph R186(F)
The above clause is not there in any of her colleagues study permit except for one. Is there a way to get it fixed? If yes, then please share.