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PGWP Holders....hold on !!!


Star Member
Jun 27, 2012
I recently graduated from a top university in Canada and currently a PGWP holder. This whole argument about foreigners stealing jobs from Canadians is nonsense. One question though.....who are hiring theses qualified foreign students? Yes......Canadians! While at university I have had really good part-time jobs and full time jobs in the summer, everyone of them I applied, got call for an interview and yes was hired by a Canadian. I once had a group orientation type interview, was the only foreigner there and got the job over everyone else. I currently have 2 government jobs, one full time and the other part-time. I have lived here long enough to know that the average Canadian does not value education or go to university.

International students make up a high percent of the educated Canadian work force. I do agree as well that universities will take a big financial hit if international students, are "shunned" from PR programs in Canada. The government I think is being a bit myopic, if they want Canada to compete they need to be able to attract the best and brightest. All this granting PR status to cooks, cleaners and other low skill persons need to stop that way there will be jobs for Canadians.


Star Member
Jun 4, 2014
Lol.. True that... I graduated from the top engineering program in Canada.. and Our class had a majority of foreign students.. and the rest were mostly immigrants who had come to canada... barely 8-10 canadians


Star Member
Dec 26, 2013
true talk guys . I think we can write a letter to their minister to look into it. even from statistics they can see is foreigners that are studying mostly in all their schools. so, guys lets make a move. i have started drafting mine any idea or paragraph is welcome. u can email to siju4me@yahoo.com