Well, since you have your PR already, I would simply go with it -- you would probably be eligible for PR anyway, assuming you were recently infected. Here are a few steps that you can take to guard your health in Canada.
1) When you land, find the local ASO (AIDS service organization). They will put you in touch with the appropriate medical specialists and other forms of support. If you have trouble doing this, message me and I can give you some contacts.
2) It won't affect your citizenship or PR renewal.
3) However, in Canada, you can be convicted of assault for having sex without informing your partner of your status. Canada is one of the leaders in this widely-condemned practice of criminalizing HIV transmission.
3) Assuming that you were just infected, you are probably in the initial acute phase; your CD4 count should rise as your body clears most of the virus.
4) Once that happens, you and your infectious disease specialist will consider putting you on retrovirals right away. Make sure that you're ready to maintain these, they have side effects and the hazards of quitting them are worse than not starting in the first place.
5) Don't worry too much! The image of HIV is outdated -- if you manage your health otherwise, take your meds and get tested frequently you will lose between 0-5 years of life (studies differ). Smoking is much more dangerous.