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Parents Sponsorship/ CIC Accepted/MICC?


Jan 24, 2013
Hi, I have a question regarding my status and was wondering if anybody can guide me:

I live in Quebec and applied for my parents sponsorship in 2007 when I had a full-time job. Finally CIC contacted me for more documents two months ago while I did not hold my full time job anymore and was a full time student now. I submitted my documents with all student-income proofs and was not sure to get the CIC approval for my low income. But thanks God that last week I heard positive news from CIC and my application was approved by federal government and they wrote me to submit my application as sponsor to MICC for financial evaluation and CSQ for my parents. But as I mentioned I do not meet the minimum required salary anymore.

1- I was wondering whether this will result in rejecting my application by MICC?

On the other hand, I am graduating within a few months (by June-July), and I have a potential job offer to start after finishing my study(stated in the letter).

2-Now my question is does this count as potential job (its salary will be counted), or I need to have the job/salary right now that I am submitting to MICC?

3- what happens if I do not submit my application to MICC until I finish my study and get a job (e.g:4-5 months)? As there was no deadline mentioned in the CIC approval letter for submitting my documents to MICC?

Your help and any information is appreciated.