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orking on campus as part-time student for 1 semester with off-campus work permit


Jul 24, 2013

I am trying to find out information pertaining to my ability to work on campus while holding a study permit and an off campus work permit. The question and scenario is outlined below for clarity.

Permits that I hold
Study permit obtained June 27, 2013
Off-campus work obtained June 27, 2013
Both are valid until September 01, 2015

Can I work on campus with the University in the Fall 2014 semester ( starting September 4th, 2014) and Winter 2015 semester (starting January 6th, 2015) given the scenario below?

Background information
I am international student going into my 4th year of studies at the University of Guelph. My program is a 4 year program. I have 2 more semester to complete my studies. In the Fall 2014 semester ( starting September 4th, 2014), I will be a part-time student because of how my program counselor outlined my semester. Since I am not required to take any other additional courses in that semester, I will not be a full-time student that semester.
In the Winter 2015 semester (starting January 6th, 2015) I will be a full- time student again, because I have enough courses that require me to be a full-time student. At the end of the Winter 2015 semester I will graduate at which point I will apply for a post-graduate work permit.


Star Member
Jul 30, 2014
I am not sure about the working on / off campus part. But I think you should check about the post graduate work permit part. The rules are very clear that you have to be a FULL TIME student to be eligible to apply for pgwp. I suggest you have a word with your university authorities.


Jul 24, 2013
I think you are miss understanding what I am asking. I have been a full-time student through out my entire studies only for one semester I will be a part-time student because this is how my program counselor setup my schedule. In my final semester Winter 2015, I will be a full-time student because the amount of credits I a taking equate to full-time. Only Fall 2014 semester I will be part-time because the amount of credits equate to part-time


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May 15, 2014
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dcorreia said:
I think you are miss understanding what I am asking. I have been a full-time student through out my entire studies only for one semester I will be a part-time student because this is how my program counselor setup my schedule. In my final semester Winter 2015, I will be a full-time student because the amount of credits I a taking equate to full-time. Only Fall 2014 semester I will be part-time because the amount of credits equate to part-time

It doesn't matter what reasons you (or your school) have, you must be a full time student in all terms (only exception: if required, you are allowed to be part time in the last term).


Jul 24, 2013
But the reason is that I don't need any additional credits since the University doesn't require me to take anymore credits in order to graduate. This is how my program is laid out for me.
My graduating semester (Winter 2015) I am full-time student but this coming semester (FALL 2014 ) I am a part-time because I don't need to take any other course in order to graduate my program on time. So I am taking all the courses as it was laid out to me by the University.

It just that one of the semester equates to part-time studies by the University.


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If you are doing this, keep some evidence for later use. Ask your school/counselor to give you a letter outlining that you have no choice but to be a part time student this term.