Thank you for your inquiry,
The current service standard is 90 calendar days for complete applications. An application is not deemed complete until all missing or required information and documentation is received by Opportunities Ontario. The processing clock will begin at this point. The processing clock stops when the final decision is made by the program. Please note that Opportunities Ontario does not process applications during the months of January and December and that time accumulated during this period is not included in the processing time calculation for applications.
You will receive a file number by e-mail at a later date. If we require any further information from you to process your file, you will be contacted by e-mail at the address you provided on the application form.
Foreign nationals are responsible for remaining in status in Canada while their application is being processed. It is the responsibility of these individuals to renew, extend or apply for proper temporary resident status in Canada throughout their stay in the country even after they are nominated. If you need to depart Canada because you no longer have valid status or your status will not be renewed, you are required to contact this office and provide details of your situation along with a complete signed ‘Change of Personal Information’ form. Please ensure you include your email address.
Opportunities Ontario: Provincial Nominee Program Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade Government of Ontario