Hello there,
I am not sure how much in total to pay online for my spouse sponsorship and 2 kids Age 3 and 1 year old application ?
Is following correct ? Please correct if I am missing something !!
Right of Permanent Residence Fee $490.00
Principal applicant who is under 19 years of age = $ 150
Family Class
Sponsorship application (per application) $75.00
Principal applicant $475.00
So Total fees to pay is : $1190.00
I am not sure how much in total to pay online for my spouse sponsorship and 2 kids Age 3 and 1 year old application ?
Is following correct ? Please correct if I am missing something !!
Right of Permanent Residence Fee $490.00
Principal applicant who is under 19 years of age = $ 150
Family Class
Sponsorship application (per application) $75.00
Principal applicant $475.00
So Total fees to pay is : $1190.00