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OINP Profile Submitted But Express Entry Profile is about to expire


Sep 3, 2019
Hi guys, I have submitted my profile to the OINP program but my express entry profile is about to expire on 25th september. I have a few queries regarding this even after checking other threads as these queries remain unresolved:

1. As per OINP, the Express Entry profile should be valid during the process until nomination. And if my profile is about to expire, I can create a new profile and provide them with the new Job Seeker and Express Entry Profile codes. My query here is won't it make my profile invalid in that case because in order to create a new profile, I will have to withdraw my existing one in the express entry portal.

2. My second query is similar to the first but different in the sense that what if I allow my profile to expire as scheduled and create a new profile on the same day and send the information to OINP via mail. Will it work?

3. I want to know the procedure to do the same. Do i need to create a new Job Bank profile as well when i create a new Profile. To create a new profile, do i need a new email, GC Key as well?

4. What if i receive nomination just a few days before my profile is about to expire? If i accept the nomination, how will I get ITA in the new profile? If i don't and create a new profile, how do i accept my nomination in the new profile?

I will be really grateful if people who have overcome similar problems in the past could respond
