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Obtaining work permit


Apr 9, 2012
Ok, to make this simple.. i plan to go to canada as a tourist and is it possible to get a job there and obtain working permit from there, working visas are already shared in my country ( croatia ) and untill next year i cant get it.. so as a croatian citizen i can go to canada as a tourist whitout obtaining tourist visa ( some kind of a agreement between states..) but my question is, can i get a job there as a tourist whitout working visa or should i wait for next year to obtaing working visa..

Please help, i hope you understand me..

I can enter canada as a tourist any time of year..


Star Member
Feb 9, 2012
Da bi mogao raditi u Kanadi treba ti radna dozvola. Dakle, mozes uci kao turist (i ostati do 6 mjeseci) ali ako hoces raditi treba ti radna dozvoa koju izdaju visa ured u Becu. Da bi dobio radnu dozvolu moras naci posao i poslodavac treba prvo dobiti LMO (Labour Market Opinion) i onda sa LMO-om ti trebas traziti radnu dozvolu.
za IEC znas tako da ti necu nista govoriti


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
If you are talking about a IEC visa, you should wait until you get it. Coming to Canada on a visit visa hoping to find a job and getting a work permit is kind of risky. The employer needs to get an LMO for you to be able to apply for a work permit and even if they want to hire you, just getting the LMO can take a couple of months and they are not even sure to get it because Service Canada has to decide on that. The employer must show that they advertised and tried to find a Canadian or a PR for the job but nobody applied who was qualified. They must also show they are offering market wage. Service Canada decides what the market wage is and sometimes they say it is even higher than employers are paying Canadians for the same job.

Unless you have some special skills, be prepared that it might not work out for you. You blow through your savings, end up coming home broke and still have to wait for the IEC visa next year. Instead save up your money for a good start in Canada when you come on your IEC and look for a job.

Oh, and if you were thinking of just getting a job under the table and working without a permit, that is not a good idea. If you get caught, you get deported and possibly even banned from Canada for a couple of years and because of that history, it would be very hard for you to get any kind of temporary permit in Canada in the future whether it is work or study.


Apr 9, 2012
E nevenje hvala ti puno, vidim da si me razumio, ako te mogu pitat jos nesto, ako bi isao na to da prvo trazim posao ( ne na crno naravno ) posto sam automehanicar a planiram mozda i da upisem skolu za vozaca prije nego odem, kakve su mi sanse za pronaci posao..? koliko ima posla tamo u toj kategoriji..? imam 33 godine i nesto radnog iskustva, tacnije 6 godina.. skontao sam da poslodavac moze trazit posebno radnu dozvolu bez obzira na ovu wh sto se dijelila u ambasadi, valjda sam dobro skontao.. engleski u govoru i pismu..

Ako mozes da odgovoris koliki je problem sa mojom skolom pronaci posao bio bih ti jako zahvalan..

No, i dont plan to work there in a ilegal way, i plan to seek for a job in a regular way, im a car mechanic whit 6 year expirience.. i plan additionaly to go to school for a driver and expend my resume.. im aware of the procedure for obtaining working visa, but canadian gowerment doesnt share working visas untill next year..

Do you happen to know what are the chances to get a job whit my resume in canada..? is that what you called skilled workers..? please if you can answer this it will be a big help before i decide if i need to wait for next year or as you say pack my bags ang go imeddiatly, im good at english language in written and spoken, spoken much better then written..

Im aware of everything you said but i dont have a choice.. im out of job for a 1,5 year and all i want to do is to work.. nothing more..

Thank you for your patience..


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
If you are a car mechanic, you should look for jobs online, for example on http://www.jobbank.gc.ca/intro-eng.aspx You should contact employers, tell them you are looking for a job, if they are interested, tell them they have to apply for an LMO for you in order for you to get a work permit. The process is under High skilled occupations here: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/workplaceskills/foreign_workers/fwp_forms.shtml#H06

If you find somebody who is willing to try it and who applies for the LMO for you and gets it, they can send it to you and you can arrive with the LMO and your $150 in Canada and apply for the work permit as you enter. This is a different type of work permit than the IEC visa. It is tied to one employer only. You can not work for any other employer unless you get a new LMO and a new work permit. If the employer likes you, he could possibly sponsor you for permanent residency through a PNP program in that province. Otherwise, if you manage to work full time for 2 years, you could apply yourself under Canadian experience class.

Of course you can pack your suitcase and come to Canada hoping that you will find someone during your 6 months allowed as a visitor in Canada that will apply for your LMO and get you a work permit but like I said, you risk that you will have problems finding someone, will burn through your savings fast and end up having to go home penniless and wait to apply for the IEC visa anyway, that is if you at that time still have enough money to go back to Canada and survive for the month or two until you have a job and start to get paid.

I think you can try looking for a job online and see if you can get somebody to apply for an LMO for you but I don't think it is a good idea to go yet unless you get something. I think it is better to save your money until you can get the IEC visa because it will be far easier. The IEC visa is an open work permit. It means you can take any job, even many jobs at the same time. The employer does not have to apply for anything to hire you. If you do not find a job as a car mechanic right away, you can do something else. However, if you want to stay in Canada, your goal should be to use the IEC visa to find secure employment in a skilled profession (car mechanic for example) so when your IEC visa runs out, you already have a relationship with the employer and can ask him to apply for an LMO for you so you can get the other type of work permit and continue to work for him while you work on eventually getting permanent residency.


Apr 9, 2012
Thank you leon, thank you very much, this was a big help.. you did make me change my mind, i will try at first to contact employers and if i dont get a answer i dont have a choice then to wait for working visa.. thank you for your time..

Nevenje pozdrav jos jednom..


Star Member
Feb 9, 2012
Leon ti je sve rekao, pokusaj preko job banka naci nekog poslodavca i gledaj da se prijavis za IEC (ako se ne varam, nova runda ce ici prije nove godine, tako da redovito chekiras njihov site). Isto tako, sto se tice skole za vozaca, upozorit cu te da ovdje nase vozacke dozvole ne vrijede. Ja imam vozacku preko 15 godina i svejedno cu morati ici polagati ispit (teorija i voznja) za novu odn njihovu vozacku.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Employer does not apply for IEC. It is like this..

1. If he finds an employer who will apply for an LMO, and the employer gets it, then he can apply for a regular work permit, no IEC. A regular work permit is for 1-3 years and can be extended with a new LMO. It is tied to one employer and one job only.

2. He doesn't find an employer, IEC is his back up plan but it is only for one year so if he wants to stay, he will have to get an employer to apply for an LMO etc.

Almost everybody has to take the drivers exam again. It is not a big deal. There are only a handful of countries that have exchange agreements in Canada. Not even all provinces have exchange agreements with the same countries. What you need to successfully prove driving experience is to get a drivers abstract from the police or other driving authority in your country. It needs to be in English or French or you can have it translated by a certified translator. You also need a translation of your drivers license, certified. Bring this to the appropriate authority in the province you are moving to and they will let you take of course the written exam that everybody takes but after that you can take the advanced road test in order to get a full license with no probation period.