As mentioned you need to have your credentials verified by NNAS. Transcripts have to be sent to them direct from your school in the PH. They evaluate them and send their results to the nursing board of the province you choose who will advise you what, if anything you need to do in order to meet the requirements based on what you want to be, ie: RN, RPN
A friend of mine has just gone through that process, same situation as you, from PH and not licensed. Without getting into too much detail here are some of your options.
1. If you want to be an RN you will have to go to school here for 4 years to get a Bachelors, your schooling in the PH will not count at all.
2. For RPN since you are an IEN, International Educated Nurse, you can take a refresher course at a college that offers it and then write the RPN exam. Those colleges are mainly around major cities. If not you could take a 2 year RPN course that most colleges offer, mostly done on-line.
3. You can return to the PH, pass the board exams, do your practical, return here and you can write the RPN exam.
4. For a PSW you only need to take a 6 month college course.
Training as a nurse is not easy. I advise you to use such services as to get help with your studies. Here, for example, you can see the Nursing Clinical - COPD Template ATI System Disorder and study it in more detail. Everything is collected in one convenient place for you!
Right now in Ontario there are government grants that will pay for most if not all tuition for any of the positions I mentioned.