I am currently employed without LMIA (PGWP). My NOC (2161) covers entry level all the way up to seasoned experts, as per hrsdc.gc.ca/noc/english/noc/2011/ViewAllTitlesNocCode.aspx?val=2&val1=2161&val17=2161&val18=0&val19=0
Compared to other NOCs such as 1112, it covers only analyst levels - hrsdc.gc.ca/noc/english/noc/2011/ViewAllTitlesQuickSearch.aspx?val=1&val1=1112&val65=1112
This causes my NOC's wage band to be a lot wider, pushing up the median wage to people with around 4, 5 years of experience - which I am not there yet (<2 years). Given that my wage is lower than median, does that mean that there's no chance at all for a positive LMIA or Ontario PNP (seems to be same wage req.) despite a fair pay for my experience?
Compared to other NOCs such as 1112, it covers only analyst levels - hrsdc.gc.ca/noc/english/noc/2011/ViewAllTitlesQuickSearch.aspx?val=1&val1=1112&val65=1112
This causes my NOC's wage band to be a lot wider, pushing up the median wage to people with around 4, 5 years of experience - which I am not there yet (<2 years). Given that my wage is lower than median, does that mean that there's no chance at all for a positive LMIA or Ontario PNP (seems to be same wage req.) despite a fair pay for my experience?