Look dears my tasks are as below,
Some tasks matches with 1434 and some with 6235. Please check and suggest , I am really confused, coz my employer have just provided my major job description in 3 points.
Not tasks in specific, however I have performed the following tasks and asked them to provide me an authorization that yes I have performed the following tasks.
If they do not provide the JD with specific tasks, wht else can be done?
Please suggest
Retail customer Account Maintainance
2) Corporate customer Account Maintainance
3) Maintainance of ATM cards
4) Maintainance of Replace cards/Duplicate Pin
5) Deferral Account Monitoring
6) Customer Signature Maintainance
7) Customer Address Change Maintainance
8) Discrepancy Mail circulation.
9) Black Listed Maintainance
10) Phone Banking Pin Maintainance
11) Copporate customers Account Opening
12) Retail Customers Account Opening
13) Corporate Term Deposit Account Opening
14) Corporate Term deposit Account Renewal
15) Corporate Term Deposit Account Encashment.
16) Term Deposit Advice printing and preparation
17) Voucher Preparation
18) Monthly Account Opening Error Reporting.
19) Corporate Board Resolution maintainance.
20) Query Handling for related tasks with internal customers