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newbie - job offers


Jan 22, 2013
Good Evening all;

Completely new to this process and any assistance on this I would be grateful.
My fiance would like to come here for 3 to 5 months on a temp. work visa. He has no intention of staying longer as he already knows he has to go back.
He has experience in resorts, car painting, agriculture. :)
My question is where can he find the jobs to apply - I live in B.C. Canada and I would like to find work for him in this province. I have contacted a company regarding a agriculture job but no response yet. Any suggestions or ideas would be helpful.
He has a passport and we have started all his paperwork in case a job offer comes his way. He lives in the Dominican Republic, and is fluent in Spanish and he speaks very good English.

Thank you


Apr 14, 2013
Hi Becca,

We have a very active group on Facebook called Dominicano Spouses (just do a search). We have lots of experience with visas for Dominicans and life in general with a Dominican spouse. Please feel free to look us up and request to join.

Good luck!
