Just about to print all our forms and get all the supporting documents together – when I realized something scary:
It seems we need to include the Sponsored Person's ID documents and Passport as part of the supporting documents for our Outland PR sponsorship package.
This is going to be a problem because she is flying back home to Argentina this week, and I am staying back in Canada for a few weeks to finish up the application.
So: do we need to somehow get her passport and give it in with our PR sponsorship package? If so, when and how do we get that back? (I may be away with her temporarily in Argentina, although we live common law here in Canada for past 16 months.)
It seems we need to include the Sponsored Person's ID documents and Passport as part of the supporting documents for our Outland PR sponsorship package.
This is going to be a problem because she is flying back home to Argentina this week, and I am staying back in Canada for a few weeks to finish up the application.
So: do we need to somehow get her passport and give it in with our PR sponsorship package? If so, when and how do we get that back? (I may be away with her temporarily in Argentina, although we live common law here in Canada for past 16 months.)