get infermation ?,My wife spoke by phone with mississgau They spoke with my wife, they agreed fpr sponsor me and they gave to my wife number mississgau ID AND AFTER THEY SEND OUR APLICATION TO PARIS WE HAVE MOR THEN 2 MONTHS
??,let me tell you We have sent the file to the mississgau in may 23 when my wife call them by phone tell here they are sent the file to the paris in july 25 so even now i dont have number of paris not number mississgau we need now because Want to follow my file number in paris
i hope any one here have enfermation about paris emgration and what i can do for i get my number of paris thank you every body can help thkx
i hope any one here have enfermation about paris emgration and what i can do for i get my number of paris thank you every body can help thkx