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Need help - PhD student in US applying for Canadian Express Entry


Dec 11, 2020
Hi All,

I am a PhD student in the US about to graduate in 6 months. I have been working as a Research Assistant or Teaching Assistant for the past 5 and a half years. They were 20 hours a week 50% full-time equivalent. But my TA/RA appointments were split as 5+5+2 ( Fall, Spring and Summer Semester). Out of these, I have been RA for some semesters and TA for some semesters. I had the following questions that I need help with -

1. Does my split TA/RA count towards 1-year continuous work experience?
2. Out of the 5 and half years, I was on departmental fellowship for 2 years. But I was still enrolled as a PhD student and engaged in research. Will this count towards my work experience?
