Hi everyone , i'm just arrived in canada for 3 month , i'm first studied in toronto for 2 month and then i decided to move to Alberta , i didn't know that i can use my current study permit to change to other subject in the other province so i applied for a new study permit . After 2 month , i recived a refusal letter , and the problem is i did a wrong selection on the question that : have u been rejected for application before , i ticked no by mistake , and they said its not match with the record , also there was a sentences that : "you must leave canada on or before the expiry of your current document which gonna be july 2019 . Failure to do so could result in enforcement action being againist you "
I'm planning to apply the 3 years work permit after finish the college , is that gonna effect to my plan !
I really want to tell them that was my mistake which i'm not tried to lie to them that i had been refused before , that was just my mistake, so how could i explain it to CIC.
Anyone else can help me
I'm planning to apply the 3 years work permit after finish the college , is that gonna effect to my plan !
I really want to tell them that was my mistake which i'm not tried to lie to them that i had been refused before , that was just my mistake, so how could i explain it to CIC.
Anyone else can help me