TL;DR I'm on conditional PR. Husband cheated on me and got engaged. Now I'm afraid to get sent back to my country. Please help.
Hi, that's my first time posting here (I think... might be second. long time ago).
I got my conditional PR in April 2015. My husband, Canadian, sponsored me. We met while I was in Montreal studying French. We might have married a bit to soon, but the relationship was legit and we loved eachother dearly (or so I used to think).
As time passed I found out he was hiding things from me. There was always something new he was hiding, I don't think he ever got to the point of full on cheating, but I couldnt trust him anymore. Every time I confronted him, crying etc, he would just stare at me like it was nothing. Didn't even care about how I was feeling. Last time while we were together was September of last year, while my mom was visiting. I waited until she was gone back to our country before talking to him.
Also he had given me a dog for my birthday in 2015. I love her dearly, I have always been very attached to my pets and it wasnt any different with her. But she had that habit of opening the front door and going at the building's corridor and pooping/peeing around, etc. After that happened a couple times, the building decided she had to go. So I left with her. I wasnt about to abandon my dog, no way, no how.
So I talked to my husband, I'll go with her, then after you're done with the lease here you come with us.
We would talk a lot, he would visit sometimes, things like that. I was still hurt and he wasnt trying to make things better anyway, so I let things be.
Then he started getting more distant and said that work and friends have been keeping him busy.
In July or so I noticed a girl liked my photography page. I checked her picture and noticed he was on the pic with her. Of course. He got a girl and hid that from me too. As always.
Eventually he started emailing me, pen-pal style, shortly after I questioned him about her. And he said that didnt tell me earlier because wasnt sure it was serious or not. Bullshit.
In one of the emails he said that she would be likely to send me an angry message on FB (and she did, cuz he was shit talking me to her, of course). She got to the point of threatening me. I never did anything to any of them.
Afterwards she said she was sorry, etc. I started being friendly to her cuz theres no need for conflict right now, right?
Ex tells me that she really wants to get married, that she is jealous of me cuz we got married pretty early on the relationship (which I regret doing).
She said she wants to marry him and give him babies since she gave babies to her abusive ex so it's only fair (he thinks the same). Oh, she is 23 y.o., never married, had a 7 years long abusive relationship, two kids with that guy. My ex is 31 and he never cared about having kids, but he thinks that if you did something for an ex, you HAVE to do the same for your new relationship. Or "better". I dont have to say much, you can tell they arent very bright.
Also, she asked me for my version of the story a couple times but I never told him. Cuz I'm afraid that if I do, he will rat me out to CIC or something.
Anyway, me and my ex talked a few weeks ago and he said he isnt doing the same mistake again, that he is dating for one year or two before getting engaged this time.
But guess what happened! They just got engaged! After 2-3 months together. And with him still being married to me. Fun times! Fun times indeed!
So, I dont trust those ppl and I dont trust him. Im scared of what might happen. I'm scared of being kicked out of Canada. Im just afraid of losing what I built here, my friends, my business, my dog. I dont know what to do. My 2 years end on April 2016 but im afraid of him wanting the divorce before that. And even if he wants it after that, it would still mean that we havent been together for a year before that so im sent back anyway, right? It's a pretty sticky situation so I would appreciate whatever help you can.
Hi, that's my first time posting here (I think... might be second. long time ago).
I got my conditional PR in April 2015. My husband, Canadian, sponsored me. We met while I was in Montreal studying French. We might have married a bit to soon, but the relationship was legit and we loved eachother dearly (or so I used to think).
As time passed I found out he was hiding things from me. There was always something new he was hiding, I don't think he ever got to the point of full on cheating, but I couldnt trust him anymore. Every time I confronted him, crying etc, he would just stare at me like it was nothing. Didn't even care about how I was feeling. Last time while we were together was September of last year, while my mom was visiting. I waited until she was gone back to our country before talking to him.
Also he had given me a dog for my birthday in 2015. I love her dearly, I have always been very attached to my pets and it wasnt any different with her. But she had that habit of opening the front door and going at the building's corridor and pooping/peeing around, etc. After that happened a couple times, the building decided she had to go. So I left with her. I wasnt about to abandon my dog, no way, no how.
So I talked to my husband, I'll go with her, then after you're done with the lease here you come with us.
We would talk a lot, he would visit sometimes, things like that. I was still hurt and he wasnt trying to make things better anyway, so I let things be.
Then he started getting more distant and said that work and friends have been keeping him busy.
In July or so I noticed a girl liked my photography page. I checked her picture and noticed he was on the pic with her. Of course. He got a girl and hid that from me too. As always.
Eventually he started emailing me, pen-pal style, shortly after I questioned him about her. And he said that didnt tell me earlier because wasnt sure it was serious or not. Bullshit.
In one of the emails he said that she would be likely to send me an angry message on FB (and she did, cuz he was shit talking me to her, of course). She got to the point of threatening me. I never did anything to any of them.
Afterwards she said she was sorry, etc. I started being friendly to her cuz theres no need for conflict right now, right?
Ex tells me that she really wants to get married, that she is jealous of me cuz we got married pretty early on the relationship (which I regret doing).
She said she wants to marry him and give him babies since she gave babies to her abusive ex so it's only fair (he thinks the same). Oh, she is 23 y.o., never married, had a 7 years long abusive relationship, two kids with that guy. My ex is 31 and he never cared about having kids, but he thinks that if you did something for an ex, you HAVE to do the same for your new relationship. Or "better". I dont have to say much, you can tell they arent very bright.
Also, she asked me for my version of the story a couple times but I never told him. Cuz I'm afraid that if I do, he will rat me out to CIC or something.
Anyway, me and my ex talked a few weeks ago and he said he isnt doing the same mistake again, that he is dating for one year or two before getting engaged this time.
But guess what happened! They just got engaged! After 2-3 months together. And with him still being married to me. Fun times! Fun times indeed!
So, I dont trust those ppl and I dont trust him. Im scared of what might happen. I'm scared of being kicked out of Canada. Im just afraid of losing what I built here, my friends, my business, my dog. I dont know what to do. My 2 years end on April 2016 but im afraid of him wanting the divorce before that. And even if he wants it after that, it would still mean that we havent been together for a year before that so im sent back anyway, right? It's a pretty sticky situation so I would appreciate whatever help you can.