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My PGWP application has been refused, help me assessing the situation please.


Dec 7, 2014
I've recently received a refusal letter as following:


This letter refers to your application for a work permit.
Your application as requested is refused.

Section 16(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act requires that all questions put to an
applicant must be answered truthfully and that all relevant evidence that an officer requests, and
reasonably requires, must be provided. To date, you have failed to provide a valid IEC Conditional
Acceptance Letter, which is required to correctly evaluate your eligibility for a work permit. As a result
of this, your application, as requested, is refused.

Please note that you may reapply in MyCIC by creating a new application, if your IEC Conditional
Acceptance Letter is still valid at the time of submission. If your IEC Conditional Acceptance Letter is
expired, you may re-apply to stage 1 (Kompass account) if you are eligible and if spots remain the 2014


Officer AXH
Case Processing Centre Vegreville


I have graduated from 4 year degree university program in June 2012. Since then, I've been applying for PGWP as much as I could, due to limited expiration date I had on my passport.

July 2012 - Dec 2012 (5 months)
Jan 2013 - Dec 2013 (1 year)
Jan 2014 - Dec 2014 (1 year)

Since PGWP is up to 3 years, I thought I was able to apply for the last bit of the PGWP time I have left, however it doesn't seem to be the case..
What should I do now? I've never been asked to submit any extra documents before like IEC Conditional Acceptance Letter. Am I still eligible to apply as long as I get the letter?
and what is IEC Conditional Acceptance Letter?

Thank you for reading.