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My Experience with OINP - Feb 2016 Applicant


Feb 23, 2016
This is gonna be a long one so I have to split it into a main thread and a reply as I the forum won't let me post longer than 10000 characters.

Not sure if I’m gonna post this as an answer to a question, or an independent blog, though I’ve been waiting to write this for a while now and I’m finally gonna pen down the whole journey!

TLDR; I received my Canada PR, it was a long time consuming process, but finally got it.

November 2014, I’d just started researching for ways to move abroad. Job-route, study-route, etc etc. Then stumbled upon the ‘Canada PR’ thing and heard that its relatively easy to get a Canada PR (or Australia). Met with a few agents in Bangalore, all demanded fees of something around 70k + the official application fees.

In 2014 it was a first-come-first-serve FSW program and seemed fairly straightforward to me, except that I needed IELTS and there were no nearby dates available! In my rush I booked a date of Jan, 2015 for Goa centre (while I was working in Bangalore) thinking that I’d just take a few days off from work, go there, answer and come back. Mistake #1.

I couldn’t go to the exam, so I skipped it. I got a dental certificate stating that I can’t do speaking neither can I travel and hence asked for a re-schedule. Saved some money there, I suppose. Though the exam got re-scheduled to June 2015. I finally answered in June and got my results in July 2015. In the interim I had my WES done too and since that’s valid for 5 years I was sorted there.

The same day I got my IELTS score (8) I created my EE profile. Got an email with all details etc, score of 438. 438 sounded like a really good score, I was so sure I’ll get the ITA in the next 1 month itself. LMAO, I was so bloody optimistic. So, stupid me, went to the agent who I thought was the best and spoke to them about my case and how I’ve done everything and I just need some guidance on what to do post-ITA.

Mistake #2!!

I requested my salary in advance for this month so I could pay them the 57k they demanded. AFTER I had created my EE Profile, done ECA and IELTS on my own. What the fuck was I even thinking!

As expected, the agents didn’t do anything. They just requested me to send them all my documents, and I did that immediately. A month later I know they hadn’t even logged in to my account. How do I know this? They didn’t ask for my password! What the hell?!

December 2015 I start researching more on ways to improve my score, as the draws had continuously been for 450+. #JustMyLuck. I even considered learning french and taking the french exam!

Thats when I heard that if you recreate your profile, you will get an OINP nomination. I was pretty psyched but also dubious, how can this be true?

So I went ahead and re-created my profile in Jan 2016. Jan 31st, to be specific.

Feb 1st, I received a letter of notification stating that I was invited to apply for Ontario Nomination.

Now at first I thought I’d directly gotten the nomination so I was super happy about it. Though on reading the letter I came to know its just a invitation and I could choose to apply if I wanted to, and pay CAD1500 for the same and receive it in 3 months.

Alright, not a big deal, considering I’d been waiting for more than a year with nothing else to do. It was a nice glimmer of hope.

Though I was pretty angry that my agents didn’t know this and hadn’t really bothered telling me about this silly hack. I went to their office and kicked up a big fuss about it. The lady there even had the nerve to tell me that I got the nomination just because their lawyers name was in my profile. I just said “really?” and walked out of there, even though I wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her a bit!

Never mind that the representative can’t really influence my case, his name wasn’t even in this “new” profile that I just created. #ftw.

I then wrote to their head office in Delhi and to their director informing them of how careless their staff was and how I don’t want to proceed with them anymore and at the very least be assigned a more senior member who knew what the fuck to do. So they assigned me to the Delhi team instead, very well.

Though, here’s the kicker. Because I was a OINP Applicant now I’d have to pay an additional 40k. Like, what for?! I asked them, their answer was standard Processing Fees for PNP Applicants it is. I simply asked them for a breakdown of what the 40k actually involves, like how much of this goes towards what service they’re providing. Apparently they took it to mean that I was negotiating, so they brought it down to 20k.

Now I’m more than happy to pay 2lakhs if they can just bloody tell me that they are doing something useful, but paying an arbritary amount without knowing what its for didn’t make sense to me. Anyways I went ahead and paid that, not like I had much of a choice really.

I collected all documents and had everything ready by Feb 18th. Collecting documents was a big fiasco on its own, considering I didn’t really have steady jobs where there were proper HR teams to manage paper work etc. Most places were startups where I’d just have to draft the letters on my own and get them signed. Probably the most difficult was trying to get the dates right because fuck knows what exact date I started working and finished working at each place. Geez.

After collecting all the documents in place, I couriered the whole file to Delhi office. They checked it a bit and forwarded it to Ontario for me. I remember the date, I put a countdown timer of 90 days. Informed everyone how I’d finally be getting the nomination in 3 months. Haha, I was so happy then.

Though, wait. Here’s the kicker. 90 days came and went. No sign of the nomination. No sign of the 600 additional points. :/ Its May 2016, I’m all excited to get my ITA and leave India by December 2016, but no bloody sign yet. Where the fuck is my nomination.

I started googling around more, and came across the Canadavisa forums around then. Found a thread where more people were in the same state as me and were connected on WhatsApp, so I requested them to add me in.

That was the ONE best thing I did all along. This group has been a constant support to me through this whole process. You know how they say “misery loves company” Fucking hell I found out how true that is! Here was a group of 30 people who had the same misery as me and its insanely helpful to know you’re not some ridiculous exception and to maintain your sanity.

We all wrote in to OINP, asking them where the fuck are our nominations. We all got generic responses “Oh, there’s a large volume of applicants” and we will contact you when there is an update.

We bitched. Ranted. Cried on each others shoulders.

Now to most people this might not seem like a big deal. Wait for it.

180 days came and went. And remember the CAD 1500 we had to pay? That was a DD. Yup, Demand Draft. And you the deal with international DD’s? They expire within 6 months. And OINP Department had not yet en-cashed these. So at around 200 days we all started getting emails requesting for new DD’s. Hell this was another kick in the nuts, but we were happy that someone’s doing something at least.

ICICI Bank was CROWDED. Filled with people requesting new DD’s and enquiring about how do we get our money back from the old DDs. Though there was nothing much we could do. So we sent our DDs. Around 5000 DD’s found their way to OINP Office in the months from August 2016 to December 2016. (Assuming 5000, because OINP quota was up to 5k people).

And finally we received our old DD’s back and could cancel them. Anyways. The monetary issues aside.

There was a time when everyone in my group was congratulating each other because we received an email saying “We have received your DD”. Haha. I kid you not! Grown-ass people happy about receiving acknowledgement receipts. This hell you will only understand if you’ve been through it yourself :)

Finally OINP started working on our files. We knew because we kept receiving Additional Document Requests. And these were as random as it gets. Some people got requests for new Bank Statements, some for job-related documents, etc etc. We all duly supplied everything.

And then we have it again. Radio silence. For 2 months nothing.

Finally in late November 2016 people started receiving their nominations. A whole 300+ days after they’d applied.

I’d filed mine on 25 Feb 2016 (much later than everyone else) so mine got held back even longer than the others.

Finally received my nomination on 22nd Feb 2017. Yup. A whole year after I applied. So much for a promised timeline of 90 days. I have around a thousand white hair I can attribute to this period alone!!

And my score went up to 1038 on 22nd Feb 2017.

Now, wait for the real kicker.

2017 brought with it a whole new trend. That of dropping scores.

The draw at which I got selected at?

The score was 434.

My score was 438 pre-OINP.

Now it was 1038.

And I got in in a draw with a cut-off of 434.

What was the use of the OINP nomination and 1 year wait?

Wanted to kill self. Instead settled for pulling hair out, both white and black. The more the merrier.

It was a mixed feeling. Relief,

of course because at least I’d gotten the ITA. 1.5 years after I initially expected it, but something nevertheless. Pointlessness of the whole nomination situation.
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Feb 23, 2016
“Chill, because we’re OINP our applications should be processed faster”. My WhatsApp group’s general consensus was this. By this time we stood at 50 members or so. And even if it gets rejected for any reason, we can always transfer our nomination to a new profile. Thankfully no-one I knew had to do that because, hey, guess what, nominations are only valid for 6 months. And fuck me if CIC actually processed even a single application within 6 months.

Oh wait and there’s another kicker. MyCIC Profiles expire within 365 days. Yup. So, around the time we were getting our nominations, our profiles were already expiring. Remember my profile creation date was Jan 31st?

So we had to create new profiles, wait till it reflected in the system, and then email OINP again informing them about the new profile.

All while holding on to the faint string that maybe they will actually issue the nominations before we lose our minds!

Let me paint a picture for you. This is my WhatsApp group alone, sure there’s a hundred thousand more people like this out there. We’re a group of 50 people ranging in age from 25 to 40. Married and single, with children and without. Dating and looking for marriage alliances. Men, women. With jobs, without jobs. Various phase of life. Though, we’ve had to put EVERYTHING on hold because of our immigration plans.

Because OINP wasn’t responding with a yay or nay, we couldn’t move ahead.

I couldn’t decide whether I needed to get married or not despite pressure from family. My friends were holding off having children because they didn’t want to land in Canada mid-ways through a pregnancy, or, with an infant. A friend of mine put off looking for a bride because he didn’t want to take her there without a job or any steady source of income. He was already 30 or so at this time, and everyone knows what Indian families are like when it comes to the topic of marriage.

That was the most harrowing part. Like, its one thing if your approval is guaranteed and you just have to wait for it to come through. But, for you to have to wait indefinitely with no naamo-nishaani of what could happen, that’s far too much uncertainty to be comfortable with.

Anyways, back to my application. So I received ITA in a draw with a cut off of 434, which anyways I would have received with a score of 438.

I prepared all docs again. Fuck, I’d forgotten all previous documents. I didn’t really keep a hard copy of everything I couriered to OINP, and everything on my laptop was in some 100-odd folders. Fuck! I had to literally double check all dates again of my job reference letters, etc etc etc.

Got that all done, and officially filed my application on March 22nd, 2017. Phew. The worst is over. CIC assured us their processing time is 6 months, so I went back to my countdown timer app on my phone with a deadline of 18th Sept 2017.

18th Sept came and went.

I kept hearing how ALL NEW APPLICANTS of 2017 were getting their PR processed in like 35-50 days.

Hell, I had a couple of those people ping me on Quora for help.

I’ve seen people who applied after me, land in Canada already.

And here I was at 180 days and still no PR. I mean,

come on!!!! Somebody show some pity.

Apparently PNP applications were being processed a lot slower than regular applications. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

I called up CIC office around 9th September just out of curiosity to know what to expect. They informed me that my file had just moved to New Delhi Visa Office one day back. So again, I at least had some glimmer of hope.

On day 189, I went out to a cafe to work from there for a change. And the first thing I did when I turned on my laptop is to check my MyCIC profile. There it was! An update. My background had changed to IP2. Thats “In Progress, the Sequel” for those of you in the don't-know. Also the penultimate step before PPR.

I almost cried there I was so excited.

A friend of mine had received his PPR within 30 mins of IP2. I was nervously hoping for my case to be the same. But, hey, I’ve got my WhatsApp group to bring me back to reality. They said be prepared for a 3-week wait.

So, I did what I always do. Yes, yes, I put a countdown timer on my phone. 21 days.

And then I looked into my Gmail. And there it was. A notification saying “You have received a message in your MyCIC profile”.

In just 45 mins. Could it be? Could this be my passport request? My hands were shaking as I logged in!

And finally, the golden email. The Passport Request. The PPR. The CoPR. The final stage. Remember how I was almost in tears? Yea, I gave in. I cried. Haha.

I was so insanely excited. Though yes I was at a cafe and couldn’t really scream or dance or do anything much. A yoga cafe at that. It was ridiculously pristine! So I settled for calmly finishing off my Detox-Chai and leaving a tip equal to the cost of the chai itself.

So yeah. Thats my story. It has really been a long frustrating wait. Not that I had to do much, it wasn’t like doing a MBA where you spend 24 hours a day on the task. But the wait. The insane amount of wait. The uncertainty. The unsureity of what will happen. The not-being-able-to-move-ahead-with-your-life part.

2017 seems to be a lot easier so I truly hope us being the guinea pigs has helped OINP and CIC streamline their systems now. I’d love to help around others but frankly its down to just doing the right amount of research. Canadavisa forums is the best bet for this.

Without my WhatsApp group I’d have lost my mind and probably ten thousand more hair too. So find your WhatsApp group. And hold on to them, they will keep you going.

We have plans to meet in Canada for a BBQ party when everyone’s finally there. I can’t believe how close I am to this group without ever having met any of them! Its like having a PR family If any of you out there reading this, let me know and I’ll tag you in.

Well what do you know, I found a relevant question for my answer. Hopefully this will help someone. Good luck people.

Edit, forgot to add one point.

I’d lost all trust in the agents by this time and proceeded to apply on my own. They till today have no idea of my application stage and are happily sending me weekly reminders to ‘Submit my Documents to them at the earliest’.

Copied this over from my Quora Answer, as I've received immense help from this community and would like to give back as well.

