I'm a husband being sponsored from the states, and I'm with DOMINOKITTY on this. I sympathize with PRELOVE about being pregnant, it's a hell of a situation to be in, but my wife, WHO HAS WORKED HER ASS OFF to keep me here, had to spend our last $150 dollars at the time my visitor permit was about to expire just to keep me here. We were broke, and we've been in tough financial settings because it's much tougher for her to get a job that can support both of us without going to school or getting a trade, whereas I can get $25+ plus jobs with NO EDUCATION. And I'm not allowed to DO ANYTHING!
I've even had people give me sh*t about me not working or finding something under the table, and it made my blood boil because I'm a hard worker, and this whole thing forces the out-of-work spouse into a very deep hole, where no one really gets what it's like when you are NOT ALLOWED TO WORK, instead some think you're CHOOSING the lifestyle you're pushed into with inland sponsorship. People actually tried to GUILT me into working illegally. I'm naturally paranoid, and fearful I would be discovered and deported. Threads like this, like DOMINOKITTY said, make me red hot.
If you're out of status, you apply for an extension. Unless you've *censored word*ed up big time and aren't eligible for one, that's the way it works, and besides, do you really wanna be THAT PERSON who disrespects not only Canada but the members of this forum who, like DOMINOKITTY said, have gone through the appropriate channels to stay legal and stay respectful to other folks who are going through this bs just to be able to live with those they love.
This pilot program for spouses is the biggest break we've gotten I think, and it's people trying to find loopholes in a system like canada, one of the last havens of the industrial world, where people don't have to get a college degree to make a million dollars, where buying your own home, your own land and not having debt hang over your head like it does in other less fortunate countries, that make this so soul-consuming as it is.