I was wondering about something: If upon receiving the referral for medicals a woman finds out she is pregnant and let's say at the embassy they say she can wait until after the baby is born. What happens after the baby is born? Is the couple supposed to go to the embassy or straight to the doctor? How long can they wait with the medicals after the baby is born?
I'm asking this because I'm worried about some relatives I have. Their baby is now three months old and from what I know they haven't yet scheduled an appointment with the doctor. How long will their file remain open? If they wait for like half a year will it automatically be closed or could they still go for the medicals and if not will they be able to apply again for permanent residence or will they forever be refused?
I'm asking this because I'm worried about some relatives I have. Their baby is now three months old and from what I know they haven't yet scheduled an appointment with the doctor. How long will their file remain open? If they wait for like half a year will it automatically be closed or could they still go for the medicals and if not will they be able to apply again for permanent residence or will they forever be refused?