The doctor's visit and bloodwork can be done at any time as long as there's no complications. As you may know, drawing blood can make some people dizzy, so she might want to have someone go with her. If she has any complications, especially blood related, like high blood pressure, she should consult her doctor (not the panel physican) first.
Unfortunately it's really not safe to do an x-ray on a pregnant woman. Many radiologists will refuse. Like I said earlier, x-rays can cause severe birth defects in a fetus. Some people have reported finding doctors will to do it, but it doesn't sound safe to me. Depending on how high she's carrying the baby, it can be impossible as well. Personally, I wouldn't risk it.
Has CIC requested a new medical? I would only redo it if they request a new medical. They may extend the old medical (Up to their discretion - no one is sure of the why or how to how they decide).
As far as why they would want a new medical - it's CIC's job to make sure they don't admit a public health risk.