I am curious to know exact medical exam procedure. I would appreciated if you answer following.
1) Documents which needs to be carry while medical examination.
2) Is it require to carry your medical history ?
3) Is it require to carry current family doctor's name and address?
4) Is it require to carry list of current medication ?
5) Which are the major disease which makes you ineligible for immigration. As per my info , diesease like HIV and CANCER will be in that list. But what about Heart attack, TB, BLOOD PRESSURE & low sugar ? If anyone has knowledge about it, please share.
1) Documents which needs to be carry while medical examination.
2) Is it require to carry your medical history ?
3) Is it require to carry current family doctor's name and address?
4) Is it require to carry list of current medication ?
5) Which are the major disease which makes you ineligible for immigration. As per my info , diesease like HIV and CANCER will be in that list. But what about Heart attack, TB, BLOOD PRESSURE & low sugar ? If anyone has knowledge about it, please share.