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Marital status change


Mar 14, 2011
I hope this is the right place to post this question.
My wife and I are about to get our passports from the embassy with our immigration visas in them.
Because the embassy took so long to do our application we have till the 13th of April to land in Canada. Which is just around the corner.
When we applied my wife and I were not married and I added her as my common law partner. We have recently gotten married but she is still stated as a common law partner on her visa. Her passport is still all in her maiden name (as it takes the South African government at least 6 months to a year to register a marriage and to change passports). Should we tell the officer at the airport that we are now married, as I really don't want to lie, but at the same time I have waited over 7 years for this application to come through and do not want to have to start everything over again.
Any advice would be appreciated.