I have a very simple question: every land border office can (and is willing to) release work permits? Or only some border offices can do that?
I have doubts because I need to flagpole (I live in Montreal) and I see online that everybody is doing it in the same two offices that are now putting strict hours for that (Lacolle and Saint-Armand) https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/settle-setablir-eng.html
By looking at the list of CBSA services https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/do-rb/services/menu-eng.html there are no locations in the immigration section, but my intuition is that any office with Highway/Land Border Office (HWY/B) should be able (and willing) to do the job.
Has anybody an experience to share regarding smaller offices or offices close to Montreal except Lacolle and Saint-Armand?
Many thanks
I have a very simple question: every land border office can (and is willing to) release work permits? Or only some border offices can do that?
I have doubts because I need to flagpole (I live in Montreal) and I see online that everybody is doing it in the same two offices that are now putting strict hours for that (Lacolle and Saint-Armand) https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/settle-setablir-eng.html
By looking at the list of CBSA services https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/do-rb/services/menu-eng.html there are no locations in the immigration section, but my intuition is that any office with Highway/Land Border Office (HWY/B) should be able (and willing) to do the job.
Has anybody an experience to share regarding smaller offices or offices close to Montreal except Lacolle and Saint-Armand?
Many thanks