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Mar 4, 2018
Hi everyone!

Me and my husband would like to know if anyone have some loan in any banks here in UAE before migrating to Canada?

Did anyone traveled to Canada without closing their loans here but continued paying in Canada and how did you do it?

Thank you.
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Star Member
Jul 21, 2019
Dear @janemashal

There are a few scenarios to explain your issue.

1. Talk to the person who has assisted you in getting the loan (If you could), so that you unofficially can ask for his suggestions. Or reach the bank counter (Not the call centre) to speak with any customer relationship officer just casually (Note: Do not take the appointment ticket as they need to close the ticket in their system). Chances are that they would say it is possible (Unofficially).

2. If it's possible to try speaking with the bank and make an OTS (One-time settlement) citing that you are having financial issues (Job loss or business loss) and unable to pay the full amount, then you will be given some relaxation or reduced payment. (I hope you're POF and loan accounts are with the same bank, if so then move it to a different bank, preferably to your own country).

3. If you or your husband are working in UAE and planning to travel after quitting the job, the final settlement will go to the bank and it would be held by them until you join a new job and the new salary comes into the account. This also allows the bank to notify the Border agency to flag you from leaving the country (Usually depends on the quantum of the remaining amount and the country of your travel). Say, if your travelling to your native country, chances are high that they will allow you, as you can quote that there is an emergency. While if your travelling to Canada from UAE, then they know that you are leaving for good, which increases the chances of holding you back.

The economic offence is not a serious crime in the UAE until you have an intention to cheat the bank. And UAE being a labour-friendly country you can always speak with the bank/labour dept. for solutions. Your husband can reach his company PRO or nearby Typing centre in the worst case to get an idea of legal complications if any.


Oct 20, 2021
My colleague took out a loan in the Emirates without repaying his old loan in another country. I can ask him how he did it, if you like.