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LMO will expire soon...Please Help


Star Member
Sep 2, 2009
I'm in Canada now, working as caregiver but my LMO will expire on April 2010 do I need to renew this before I apply for a new employer? Because i'm planning to change or find new employer. Please help me...don't know what to do and my employer too.


Star Member
May 29, 2009
Your new emplyer needs to submit an LMO.


Star Member
Sep 2, 2009
Is it okay to apply even if my LMO will expire on April 2010? I've heard that applying for LMO takes 3 months, right?


VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
Lhay said:
Is it okay to apply even if my LMO will expire on April 2010? I've heard that applying for LMO takes 3 months, right?
What about your work permit, when does it expire? Do you have a new employer? If you found a new employer, let your new employer apply for a new labour market opinion in your favor. Once you have an approved LMO, you have to give notice to your old employer before filing your application for a new work permit.


Star Member
Sep 2, 2009
Hello Jobseeker,

thank you so much! my work permit will expire on 2011, what month do you think the best time to apply fo LMO? If ever I found a new employer, will it affect on my status that still working with my current employer and the LMO will expire on April 2010? I mean my name will appear that still have an employer till my current LMO expire...Your advise will help me a lot. Thanks in advance...God Bless!


VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
Lhay said:
Hello Jobseeker,

thank you so much! my work permit will expire on 2011, what month do you think the best time to apply fo LMO? If ever I found a new employer, will it affect on my status that still working with my current employer and the LMO will expire on April 2010? I mean my name will appear that still have an employer till my current LMO expire...Your advise will help me a lot. Thanks in advance...God Bless!
If your work permit that is to expire in 2011 is for your present employer and you have no plans of looking for a new one then you don't need a new LMO.


Star Member
Sep 2, 2009
Hi Jobseeker,

Actually I'm planning to find a new employer, do i need to have a new LMO for a new employer? Thanks in advance....


VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
Lhay said:
Hi Jobseeker,

Actually I'm planning to find a new employer, do i need to have a new LMO for a new employer? Thanks in advance....
Find a new employer first and then let them apply for a new LMO.


VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
Lhay said:
Hi Jobseeker,

Actually I'm planning to find a new employer, do i need to have a new LMO for a new employer? Thanks in advance....
Hi Lhay,

Here's what I got from the web:


Changing jobs

Occasionally, live-in caregivers have reason or need to change employers. You do not need permission from your present employer to accept a job as a live-in caregiver with a different employer. You cannot be deported for quitting your job or for looking for other employment as a live-in caregiver. You should be aware that it is your responsibility to find a new employer. Your HRCC may be able to provide information about available live-in caregiver positions.

Your new employer must have the offer of employment confirmed by an HRCC. Include a copy of the HRCC's letter, which confirms the confirmation of the offer of employment, with your application for a new work permit. You must get a new work permit before you begin to work for your new employer. You can get an application guide for your work permit by contacting the CIC Call Centre or by visiting the CIC Web site.

If your work permit is about to expire and you have not yet found a new employer, or the HRCC confirmation has not been processed, send your application to renew your work permit and a letter of explanation to the Case Processing Centre, Vegreville, Alberta, T9C 1C1, at least three weeks before the expiry date of your work permit. Be sure to include your file number, full name and date of birth, and keep a copy for yourself. Do not allow your work permit to expire, even for one day. It is your responsibility to keep your work permit valid.

Working for anyone other than the employer named on your work permit is illegal. You cannot accept trial employment where a new employer offers to "try out" your services for a few weeks or months to determine if you would be a suitable full-time employee. Trial employment is also illegal for an employer. Under the Live-in Caregiver Program, unauthorized employment will not count toward the two-year employment requirement to apply for permanent residence in Canada

Thinking about quitting?

You will improve your chances of getting another job if you have worked in one job for a considerable period of time. Before quitting your job (unless there are problems of abuse) you should try to solve your work problems by talking about them with your employer. It is reasonable for you and your employer to revise your contract periodically to be sure that it is suitable to both of you. Talk with your employer before taking any action to quit your job. If you decide to quit, give your employer enough notice so that arrangements can be made for your replacement. Check your contract to find out how much notice you have agreed to give your employer. However, you are encouraged to leave a physically abusive situation right away.

Breaking the contract

If you leave your job, your employer must provide you with a record of employment (ROE). Only your employer can get and complete this document. The ROE shows how many weeks you have worked and how much you have earned. You will need this record to apply for EI benefits. If you are not applying for EI benefits, keep your ROE in a safe place. It is your work record and can serve as proof that you have worked the necessary length of time to apply for permanent residence as set out in the Live-In Caregiver Program regulations. Your employer cannot refuse to give you a record of employment. If you are having difficulty getting your ROE, contact your local HRCC and ask officials to follow up with your employer.

Remember that if you change jobs, you must have another contract with your new employer.

Any live-in caregiver who decides to live out, or who accepts any other type of employment, can be disqualified from the program.


Star Member
Sep 2, 2009
Hello Jobseeker....
Thank you so much! You're real hero to this forum...thank you, it help me a lot as a first timer....God Bless and have a nice day! thank you for your untiring help and advise to us.....
