So I got my Lmo approved last september 2012 And moved to canada (sask) my LMO and job offer stated I would be paid $15 an hour but I'm only receiving $12 and have done ever since I started working for this company, it also states on my lmo/job offer also states the company should have paid for my flights to canada from England but they told me I had to pay myself. It also says they have to provide me with health insurance.. Which I did get after a year but I pay for it out of my pay check.. I was also promised 40hr per week but they send me home early every day. I'm planning on returning back to the uk once my work permit is up! Theyve told me the customers love me and I do an awesome job but they treat me so unfairly and harassed me all the time. I've also been told that If I make any complains regarding my 'broken' contract they would fire me and get me deported.. And that I should just suck it up! Do I call the labour board and tell them what's going on? Or do I just 'suck it up'?? I'm not ready to leave yet as I love life here in Canada apart from my job that is! Where do I stand? Has anyone else been in this position? Would talking to the labour board get me anywhere?? Would I get back all the money I've lost out on?? Please help