BOYZONE2 said:
Hi strike nannies,
how are you? just because of this petitions and complains that we have i just heard recently that the gov't is studying the possibility of removing the immigrant thru live in caregiver program soon this will be changed into a super visa just like what we lately heard about the super visa given on grandparents here in canada, a 10years visa and renewable but sadly future live in caregivers that wish to come and work here in canada can no longer applied for permanent residence and bring their family here .i am not against with it to speed up our owp and pr processing time because i also signed the petition and because of this petition ottawa had introduced recently a pilot project to speed up the owp by an average of 3-6months,what i am saying is we should be very careful with our decisions..this may gain us a victory in our cause but somehow it may also bring the gov't to end this program in the future to avoid unbalanced and unproductive immigrants mostly from came from the Foreign workers dependants its SKILLED vs UNSKILLED Immigrants.I just hope that the gov't will not going to change the Immigrant thru LIC program...
HI Boyzone!!!
I'm glad to hear from you...I may agree with you but to be true, I believe if someone come to Canada to work as a caregiver, deserve respect, fairness and equal rights as any foreign person that comes here to work, study and even as a refugee. In the real life is not exactly how this works...
Caregivers have been being abused and discarded as nothing for so long, and beside Juana Tejada we barely had heard about anyone open their mouth and asking for rights in Canada. What I see and I still saw is that most of caregivers are afraid and scared about loosing their program and status in Canada if their ask for help. This should not happen.
We should be able to leave our abusive employers with out be scared and relief that we have a fair government that will support us if we need to.
And I understand that this program helps people that doesn't have any condition to immigrate, I'm one of those people, but to be true, If i knew that I would suffer how I suffer I would never had come in the first place. This is my opinion, please girls I'm not supporting the government stop the LCP, not at all. I just want them to improve it, but I believe that It's better stop with it them keep bringing people to be slaves here...It's not fair because when we come we plan to do it in 2 years and stay with our family again maybe in 3 but this NEVER happen and the government is making longer than that just because they do not have a PLAn....
Please let discuss this conversation and listen other opinions...Girls speak out!!!