My mother became landed a week ago on 21 August. She had a very rough hand written list of goods to follow that was taken by the first immigration officer. At the 2nd point, they asked for the list and she said she already gave it. The officer first told her he would get it from the first lady, who denied having it. He then told her to send them another list. This sounds wrong to me, I am sure either she did not understand correctly or did not hear correctly (she does have a little hearing loss). She has no information of where to send such a list at all. I have been searching everywhere on the internet and cannot find anything except that she was supposed to have duplicate lists in the first place which she did not have. We do expect a small shipment in 2 month's time of a few goods, really just about 3 paintings, a little table and a few boxes of books and a few items of clothing. No jewelry or anything of much value. 2 or so ornaments. Literally 4 cutlery items and a few kitchen (plastic) containers. Wool too and a blanket or 2. Nothing valuable except for sentiment. She did NOT have a form B4 which I now read about. The question is: should I send a list of the goods to immigration (she is convinced I should), if so: where to? Should I worry? How important is it for such few things? Any help / information would be appreciated!