Hi Leon can you please give me some advices about my case. Here is my situation my wife it pregnant for 10 weeks now i have notify sigapore visa office here's an email they give send to me..
Mr. Pham,
The application remains in our interview queue. Your wife will be told when and where the interview will take place 6 weeks before hand.
Thank you,
Paul Bernard
Visa Officer/Agent de visa
Citizenship and Immigration Canada/ Citoyenneté et Immigration
High Commission of Canada in Singapore/Haut-commissariat du Canada à Singapour
Fax: (65) 6854-5876 Mitnet 350-3916
and here is another one the other day...
Mr. Pham,
The file requires an interview before a final decision can be made. Please forward the birth certificate of the child when it is born.
Thank you,
do i have to wait for my child to be born is that what the officer is stating.... can i fight for it i really don't want to leave my wife again she's from vietnam...i'm currently still with her..please help me Leon thanks in advance
Mr. Pham,
The application remains in our interview queue. Your wife will be told when and where the interview will take place 6 weeks before hand.
Thank you,
Paul Bernard
Visa Officer/Agent de visa
Citizenship and Immigration Canada/ Citoyenneté et Immigration
High Commission of Canada in Singapore/Haut-commissariat du Canada à Singapour
Fax: (65) 6854-5876 Mitnet 350-3916
and here is another one the other day...
Mr. Pham,
The file requires an interview before a final decision can be made. Please forward the birth certificate of the child when it is born.
Thank you,
do i have to wait for my child to be born is that what the officer is stating.... can i fight for it i really don't want to leave my wife again she's from vietnam...i'm currently still with her..please help me Leon thanks in advance