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Lawyer Advice - 2014 CEC PR Applications


Star Member
Jan 28, 2015
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OK, so I've spoken to 3 separate lawyers today to try and sort out my Work Permit/PR problems and explained my situation to all of them. In a nutshell, all were extremely unhappy with CIC and their behaviour in terms of how they're not being open and clear as to what is happening with the 2014 PR CEC cap and now the new EE system.

However, having read various rumours/facts (who knows?) on different forums, I've today been told the following regarding 2014 PR CEC by the different lawyers;

* The 8000 cap has been reached for 2014 and all applications after Oct 20th are being returned.
* The cap for '0' NOC codes has not been reached so there is still a chance for those applicants (like me!) - however, other applicants are receiving their applications back with the 8000 cap rejection letter.
* And one lawyer said there must be a reason why they haven't officially announced that 2014 CEC PR is capped. She started speculating that they'd mis-counted, they'd capped the wrong NOC codes, they were just trying to get people to stop sending paper applications and wait for the EE system, etc - anyway, the point was if the cap had been reached it makes no sense not to put out an official announcement.

I'm not debating what is and isn't right from the above list (as some of it contradicts each other) as it's been done to death on this forum in the last week but frankly, even the Lawyers are in the dark and guessing what is happening. So what chance have we got? ;D


Star Member
Jan 19, 2015
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If they have indeed reached the cap of 8,000 yet still haven't published this then it is pretty poor behaviour by the CIC. I personally have a good friend who is awaiting his AOR having posted his application to CIC in mid-November.


Star Member
Feb 1, 2015
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pziegler1986 said:
If they have indeed reached the cap of 8,000 yet still haven't published this then it is pretty poor behaviour by the CIC. I personally have a good friend who is awaiting his AOR having posted his application to CIC in mid-November.

Is your friend's cc being charged yet?


Hero Member
Feb 1, 2015
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pziegler1986 said:
If they have indeed reached the cap of 8,000 yet still haven't published this then it is pretty poor behaviour by the CIC. I personally have a good friend who is awaiting his AOR having posted his application to CIC in mid-November.
They reached the quota around October 20th. Applications received after that are being sent back. Historically CIC don't make announcements or publish that info on these so they're probably not going to now either.
Feel free to wait around but your friend needs to start working on his EE application.


Star Member
Jan 19, 2015
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purplesnow said:
They reached the quota around October 20th. Applications received after that are being sent back. Historically CIC don't make announcements or publish that info on these so they're probably not going to now either.
Feel free to wait around but your friend needs to start working on his EE application.
I passed on the information to him and he will now apply under EE...it's a pretty tough situation as he was banking on that AOR for the BOWP...his work permit is expiring very soon so I hope he can get some sort of extension on his permit or at least apply for the BOWP.