I have finished my master's degree at the Université de Montréal, but I do not have my diploma yet. However, I have this document confirming:
L'Université de Montréal atteste des informations ci-dessous:
The Université de Montréal certifies the following information
Nom: my name
Diplômes obtenus
Date d'octroi (date of grant): 2017-09-27
Diplôme: Masters in Science
I wonder if it's okay to send this paper as proof.
P.S.: It's a printed version from the University website.
Thank you
I have finished my master's degree at the Université de Montréal, but I do not have my diploma yet. However, I have this document confirming:
L'Université de Montréal atteste des informations ci-dessous:
The Université de Montréal certifies the following information
Nom: my name
Diplômes obtenus
Date d'octroi (date of grant): 2017-09-27
Diplôme: Masters in Science
I wonder if it's okay to send this paper as proof.
P.S.: It's a printed version from the University website.
Thank you