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Lambton, Sarnia OR Connestoga, Kitchener. Please help!!!!


Full Member
Dec 7, 2015
Hi Guys,

I have finally made the choice between these two colleges and course in them:
1. Connestoga college, Kitchener - Information Technology Business Analysis Operation
2. Lambton College, Sarnia - Information Technology Professional
I would be flying this August from India to any of these two. So
Which course you think has better future prospects?
As both cities are kinda far from Toronto so majorly I would like to know which place would be slightly better for:
1. Part Time Job availability
2. Moderate life style
3. Weather Wise (I am an Indian Guy)
4. Monthly expense wise (I can afford up to CAD $750 every month, Would that give me a decent/OK living?)

All suggestions are more than welcome and also if you guys have any friends over these places or even family. It would be much appreciated for help!!!!