Hello forks,
Prior to my application for citizenship i had changed residence twice but i did not change my ducuments ie drivers licence, health cards etc. when i applied i used my current address which was different from what was in my ducument. I actually changed my address ufficially at service ontario after submission and i called the immigraton and was told that since i have changed it there won't be problem .I am worried if that might result in RQ since they say it is one of the indicators.
Can someone help me out please cos am worried.Thanks
Prior to my application for citizenship i had changed residence twice but i did not change my ducuments ie drivers licence, health cards etc. when i applied i used my current address which was different from what was in my ducument. I actually changed my address ufficially at service ontario after submission and i called the immigraton and was told that since i have changed it there won't be problem .I am worried if that might result in RQ since they say it is one of the indicators.
Can someone help me out please cos am worried.Thanks