Dear members,
This is kind of urgent. Experts plz help.
I did my graduation(bba) while I was doing my job (Teaching). I first enrolled in distant program but later it changed to regular program. I managed giving my exams in the weekend as scheduled but couldnt attend any class. It took me 8 years to complete my graduation. WES recognised my degree as 3 yrs bachelors.
After graduation, I did my masters in evening class and I completed in due time. It was evening class, 9 hours in a week. 18 months degree.
My query
1. While filling my post ita form what should I put- part time or full time for my graduation.
2. What will it be for masters, part time or full time?
N.B - I am doing the same job for many yrs amd completed both my degrees while in this job. And I am claiming points for the work experience after my graduation.
Sorry for the long post for am seeking help. Plz.