Hi there. Unfortunately I've not had much luck with the web form on the official site, so I'm hoping someone here might be able to offer some guidance. My question is regarding the insurance that must be purchased prior to my arrival in Canada. I have already received my POE letter, and am aware that the insurance I purchase must cover my entire stay in Canada (23 months). The problem is that my country of residence (not UK, EU, US, AUS or NZ) is not the same as my country of citizenship (New Zealand), and there are no insurance providers available to me that are able to provide insurance for longer than 12 months, which in most cases is the norm, anyway. I have looked into any and all options, and it seems I have run out of solutions. The only thing I can think of is purchasing TWO insurance policies, one for each year. One would start as soon as the other expires, so technically, I would in fact be covered, just not under one ongoing plan. Does anyone know if this would this be acceptable? Thank you.