The criteria for CEC is a work authorization, as a religious worker you were on a visitor visa, so it doesn't count.ahujahps said:thanx jes_on
if i have worked for salary & revenue canada records (returns) & T4 slips are for evidence ,will this work experience will not be counted?
pl reply
You were authorized on a VISITOR permit to perform religious duties, for CEC you need a WORK permit, which you didn't have.ahujahps said:dear pmm
thanx for the reply,i appreciate..
butit is clearly written on my visitor record,"Authorized to perform religious duties for ..(name of the temple) as per r186(L) .CXFSD*
Doesn't that mean i am authorised??
As PMM points out,ahujahps said:dear pmm
pl go thru the under mentioned para...this is copy pasted from cec guide...where it is mentioned that the work exp. shud be under work permit ...any unauthorised or self emp. cannot be considered,they reply
The para' that you quote contains:You were authorized on a VISITOR permit to perform religious duties, for CEC you need a WORK permit, which you didn't have.
You were not authorized to WORK, so cannot count the time for CEC.This work experience
Well, sure, if you ignore the part that says it will not be counted, you can make it say anything you want.ahujahps said:when we go into the above mentioned regulations in detail we dont find anywhere that the work done with authiriztion is illegal work and it shud not b counted as work exp.