My CC was charged on 8/3/11 and I have not yet received any response.
I did not include a copy of my Registered Nurse License in with the application. The instructions did not specifically request licenses. However, the letter from my employer states I worked as a Registered Nurse and my Diploma shows I graduated from a Nursing School. In addition, I passed the Canadian Nurses exam and included the letter of passing.
If you are denied due to one or two documents missing, do they give you the chance to provide the documents or do you have to refile next July 1?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I did not include a copy of my Registered Nurse License in with the application. The instructions did not specifically request licenses. However, the letter from my employer states I worked as a Registered Nurse and my Diploma shows I graduated from a Nursing School. In addition, I passed the Canadian Nurses exam and included the letter of passing.
If you are denied due to one or two documents missing, do they give you the chance to provide the documents or do you have to refile next July 1?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.