Good evening to all members!
I'm in need of some advice and clarifications, my man is working as a Pet Groomer here in Alberta, I just wanted to know if his category falls under a skilled job and is qualified in any immigration programs available now.. i have looked on the CIC but I couldn't see anything about his NOC code...we need some advise as to what to do...he's been here for almost 5 years now...
Any advice is highly appreciated. GODBLESS!!
I'm in need of some advice and clarifications, my man is working as a Pet Groomer here in Alberta, I just wanted to know if his category falls under a skilled job and is qualified in any immigration programs available now.. i have looked on the CIC but I couldn't see anything about his NOC code...we need some advise as to what to do...he's been here for almost 5 years now...
Any advice is highly appreciated. GODBLESS!!