Alright, I can already assume what people are going to say. You're really stupid and made things harder on yourself but I really want to know what options I have before I try to do this. Sorry for the very long description, but it's needed.
Here are the specifics of the situation:
I'm a Canadian citizen since birth, but I was living in the states for a few years doing some work for my cousin and met and married my spouse. We've been married for a year and a half now. While living in the states my dad got really sick and needed me to return to Canada to help him. I had been really wanting to move back to Canada and was looking into it anyways, but the medical situation with my father meant I had to pack up and go ASAP. My wife and I talked it over and we packed up and prepared to go. We went on one trip up there right away, crossed through the border fine and spent a couple of months in Newfoundland helping him and setting up a place of residence. I got a nice job, she was helping my father with his daily life, and things seemed to be going well. We hadn't had time in our busy life to put together the PR application yet and were planning to very soon, until my work asked me to go to Maine on a quick trip (I'm a truck driver.) A family friend was able to watch my father while we would be away and to give my wife a break, I took her with me. This would reset her visitor status anyways and we could put in the PR application when we got back.
Unfortunately when we got to the border and were awaiting to be allowed in, they decided to do a longer screening on my wife. What came up was a DUI from 3 years ago we had forgotten about, and they denied her entry this time. Now what to do? No home in the USA, not enough money to do anything regarding setting one up, wife was a foster child and has no real family. Well, I have an uncle who has a house right on the Quebec/Maine border. This is where you'll probably think we made a really stupid decision and messed up chances of figuring this out. Well I just dropped my wife off at the American side of the border within view of my uncles, and she just... walked over. Canadian border security for you. I picked her up on the other side, and we're back at home in Newfoundland but obviously with no legal status. If we can't figure this out then I guess we'll just have to deal with her being illegal and taking care of my dad for now. Don't really have a ton of choices.
Thank you anyone for taking the time to read my incredibly long description, and actually caring enough about helping me with some ideas for my situation. From what I can tell, the people who go out of their way to help eachother on this forum are just amazing. Immigration is a scary subject.
Here are the specifics of the situation:
I'm a Canadian citizen since birth, but I was living in the states for a few years doing some work for my cousin and met and married my spouse. We've been married for a year and a half now. While living in the states my dad got really sick and needed me to return to Canada to help him. I had been really wanting to move back to Canada and was looking into it anyways, but the medical situation with my father meant I had to pack up and go ASAP. My wife and I talked it over and we packed up and prepared to go. We went on one trip up there right away, crossed through the border fine and spent a couple of months in Newfoundland helping him and setting up a place of residence. I got a nice job, she was helping my father with his daily life, and things seemed to be going well. We hadn't had time in our busy life to put together the PR application yet and were planning to very soon, until my work asked me to go to Maine on a quick trip (I'm a truck driver.) A family friend was able to watch my father while we would be away and to give my wife a break, I took her with me. This would reset her visitor status anyways and we could put in the PR application when we got back.
Unfortunately when we got to the border and were awaiting to be allowed in, they decided to do a longer screening on my wife. What came up was a DUI from 3 years ago we had forgotten about, and they denied her entry this time. Now what to do? No home in the USA, not enough money to do anything regarding setting one up, wife was a foster child and has no real family. Well, I have an uncle who has a house right on the Quebec/Maine border. This is where you'll probably think we made a really stupid decision and messed up chances of figuring this out. Well I just dropped my wife off at the American side of the border within view of my uncles, and she just... walked over. Canadian border security for you. I picked her up on the other side, and we're back at home in Newfoundland but obviously with no legal status. If we can't figure this out then I guess we'll just have to deal with her being illegal and taking care of my dad for now. Don't really have a ton of choices.
Thank you anyone for taking the time to read my incredibly long description, and actually caring enough about helping me with some ideas for my situation. From what I can tell, the people who go out of their way to help eachother on this forum are just amazing. Immigration is a scary subject.